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Basic data in a sentence

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Sentence count:55Posted:2023-03-01Updated:2023-03-01
Similar words: public datatraffic datanumeric datagraphic databasic designautomatic data processingelectronic data processingelectronic data interchange
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31. Raw coal washability curves provide essential basic data for management and design of coal preparation plants.
32. In the paper, a new melt crystallization technology was developed to purify octyl phenol, which can provide the basic data and theoretical instruction for industrialization and engineering design.
33. The results above may enrich the basic data of energetic biology and ichthyology and can facilitate the healthy breeding of Paralichthys lethostigma.
34. On the basic data of obseved water level, the physical behaviour of the Hamar geothermal field was simulated using a Lumped parameter model.
35. Town residential water consumption standard is the basic data for planning and designing of town water supply systems.
36. Discusses the selection line methods of convey coal pipe of long distance, from the angles of selection line principle, and the basic data to collect, etc.
37. Coding for the software, with Fuzzy inquiry function ERP for SCM basic data preparation work.
38. Objective To compare morphological characteristics of Echinococcus granulosus from Southern Qinghai Plateau and Chaidamu Basin, and to provide basic data for strains research.
39. To provide basic data for application of ammonium phosphomolybdate, it is characterised by means of XRD, IR, DSC and TG.
40. Objective To study the factors of impacting autohemotransfusion, and to provide basic data according for the work of blood management.
41. All can be served as basic data for analysis of fire resistance and after-fire damage evaluation of prestressed structures.
42. The content of questionnaire includes basic data, self-concept and idolization .
43. SSDS you can think of as a structured data store in the cloud(building block service), which is accessed using Internet protocols using a basic data manipulation language.
44. Data entry programs prepare individuals to perform basic data and text entry using standard and customized software products.
45. Most of the basic data of flood-prevention planning have the spatial property. Traditional Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) can not manage the data that has spatial property efficiently.
46. Perforating depth is not only the most basic data for production estimation and calculation of productivity ratio, but also the basic condition of optimizing perforation scheme.
47. The theory of formal concept analysis ( FCA ) starts from the basic data form called context.
48. This study provides a scientific method about studying the gas content of the coal seam unmined and provides the basic data about the safe mining.
49. This article describes the job in three parts:basic data, process flowsheet and gas balance table.
50. The method takes station-train adjacency list as its basic data structure and rebuilds the rail-net with the restriction of train routes, to make the got-route data validity and rationality.
51. The trace element contents are rich , too . These results provide basic data for utilizing scallop hepatopancreas.
51. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
52. The basic data source in the national economic accounting mainly stems from the business accounting.
53. Log curve, which reflects electrical property about stratum, is one of the important and basic data in petroleum exploration and development.
54. Results We gained the basic data and found a measurment method of root processus.
55. Then we will need a basic data base to house the data so we can carry out basic searches like how many people in a particular post code or all males whos birthday fall on 3 March.
More similar words: public datatraffic datanumeric datagraphic databasic designautomatic data processingelectronic data processingelectronic data interchangecatalog databasebasicabasicbasicsdibasicbasic paybasicitytribasicbasic formbasic lawbasicallybasic ratebasic linebasic stepbasic linkbasic codebasic wagepolybasicmonobasicbasic blackbasic pricebasic cycle
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